
Know Your Sushi Knives

Heading out to buy your very first sushi knife can be a bit of an ordeal if you’re not up to speed with what’s on offer. What few seem to realise is that Japanese sushi… Continue Reading


The history and origins of sushi

Traditional sushi, which is known as nare-suzhi, originated from South East Asia in the 4th century. The term ‘sushi’ which means ‘sour tasting’, refers to the method of keeping gutted fish packed in rice for… Continue Reading


Do chefs need a license to prepare sushi?

The only sushi dish that requires a license to prepare is Fugu. Made from the potentially lethal tropical fish, Takafugu, Fugu contains poisonous neurotoxins which must be removed carefully before being served. Chefs only obtain… Continue Reading


What is Sushi?

Sushi is a traditional Japanese delicacy consisting primarily of cooked rice. It can also include ingredients such as raw fish and various other types of seafood like octopus. The rice, which is prepared with special… Continue Reading


Know your sushi

Here at You Me Sushi we’re passionate about Japanese cuisine, and we know that you are too. But, we also know that it can be a slightly difficult concept for the uninitiated – with so many different styles and mouthful-sized morsels it ca…… Continue Reading


Revealed: Japans Top Sushi Toppings!

The classic Japanese food sushi has become popular across the world. It’s become eaten in slightly different ways in various countries, and spawned “hybrid” dishes like the California roll, stuffed with crab and avocado, or the avoc…… Continue Reading


Sushi Tuna Sets Record in Japan

A sushi chain based in Tokyo has paid a record $1.76mn, almost triple the top amount paid last year, to outbid an affiliate of a rival at an auction for a fresh Bluefin whole tuna weighing approaching 500lb. And it was the second time the chain had b…… Continue Reading


Guide to the Health Giving Benefits of Sushi

If you’re keen on sushi then you may well be pleased to hear that this Japanese favourite could be providing you with more than just a tasty lunchtime snack or evening treat. Indeed, scientists now believe that sushi – flavoured parcels of rice…… Continue Reading


Fill Up on Fresh Sushi This Winter

Eating cold, uncooked meals might seem a little odd in the winter months when all you want to do is bury yourself in a duvet and gobble porridge whilst watching Christmas specials on the telly! But your body wants more than just warmth in the chilly …… Continue Reading