
How We Make Our Sushi Delivery Sustainable

Sustainability is rapidly becoming a guiding principle in modern food production, particularly in the area of sushi delivery. This is the result of reckless, unregulated and unreported fishing practices which have caused a sharp decline… Continue Reading


What is Nigiri sushi?

Sushi is undeniably our absolute favourite Japanese food, however we are well aware that for the novice sushi fans among you, all the unusual names and appearances can be slightly confusing! That is why throughout November,… Continue Reading


Sushi For Veggies!

  Delicious sushi can be a treat for all. Sushi delivery is the best way to make sure that you are getting a filling and thrilling treat. What’s more, the best thing about sushi is… Continue Reading


The Ultimate Sushi Dos and Don’ts

Whether you’re eating handmade sushi in London’s finest sushi joint or munching homedelivery sushi in your pyjamas, make sure you do it right. Here are the ultimate dos and don’ts of sushi scoffing. Chopsticks at… Continue Reading